Sat>IP not working

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.
Ralf Jahns
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Sat>IP not working

Postby Ralf Jahns » 31 Dec 2018 15:59


I use VLC 3.0.4 64bit on Windows 10. With an older version (don't know which) Sat>IP worked fine for me but with 3.0.4 I have some problems again.

First is, that VLC tries to download the channels list from the sat ip website and that the address of that list changed. So the download is not successful and VLC don't show any station.

Second thing is, if VLC can not tune a channel (probably some kind of timeout) it jumps to an other (the next???) station in the playlist. This makes often no sense and results in fast skipping of one station after the other. Perhaps the timeout is too short.

At least it shows a tv station sometimes.

Eyetv android app works without problems with my hardware (digibit twin).

Wanted to post some logs but how can I do that if I can only post 2000 characters???

Ralf Jahns
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Sat>IP not working logs

Postby Ralf Jahns » 31 Dec 2018 16:00

To help you, we need messages, to completely understand what your problems is.

From windows command line or linux or macos terminal, launch vlc with options -vv and --logfile=file

  • Windows example: vlc.exe -vv --logfile=c:\vlclog.txt
  • Linux example: vlc -vv --logfile=vlclog.txt, or vlc -vv 2>&1 > logfile.txt
Then paste the full resulting log here between [​code]and[​/code] (or use if it's too long)

Also don't forget to name your Operating System and provide the VLC media player version.
and so on

Ralf Jahns
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Re: Sat>IP not working

Postby Ralf Jahns » 31 Dec 2018 16:14

To help you, we need messages, to completely understand what your problems is.

From windows command line or linux or macos terminal, launch vlc with options -vv and --logfile=file

  • Windows example: vlc.exe -vv --logfile=c:\vlclog.txt
  • Linux example: vlc -vv --logfile=vlclog.txt, or vlc -vv 2>&1 > logfile.txt
Then paste the full resulting log here between [​code]and[​/code] (or use if it's too long)

Also don't forget to name your Operating System and provide the VLC media player version.
live555 error: SAT>IP server, bailing out
live555 error: SAT>IP server, bailing out
direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4
avcodec info: Using D3D11VA (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, vendor 4318(NVIDIA), device 7298, revision 161) for hardware decoding
main error: buffer deadlock prevented
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
avcodec error: hardware acceleration picture allocation failed
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
live555 error: SAT>IP server, bailing out
live555 error: SAT>IP server, bailing out
ts error: libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 10) for PID 0
live555 error: SAT>IP server, bailing out
live555 error: SAT>IP server, bailing out
ts error: libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 1) for PID 0
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
main error: buffer deadlock prevented
direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
ts error: libdvbpsi error (EIT decoder): 'last_section_number' differs whereas no discontinuity has occured
avcodec info: Using D3D11VA (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, vendor 4318(NVIDIA), device 7298, revision 161) for hardware decoding

Ralf Jahns
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Re: Sat>IP not working

Postby Ralf Jahns » 31 Dec 2018 16:16

Fast skipping in playlist:

Verbindung fehlgeschlagen:
VLC konnte keine Verbindung zu "sat.ip:554" aufbauen.
Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
VLC kann die Medienadresse 'rtsp://sat.ip/?src=1&freq=12545&pol=h&ro=0.35&msys=dvbs&mtype=qpsk&plts=off&sr=22000&fec=56&pids=0,17,18,255,256,96,32' nicht öffnen. Für Details bitte im Fehlerprotokoll nachsehen.
Verbindung fehlgeschlagen:
VLC konnte keine Verbindung zu "sat.ip:554" aufbauen.
Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
VLC kann die Medienadresse 'rtsp://sat.ip/?src=1&freq=12545&pol=h&ro=0.35&msys=dvbs&mtype=qpsk&plts=off&sr=22000&fec=56&pids=0,17,18,101,1535,1536' nicht öffnen. Für Details bitte im Fehlerprotokoll nachsehen.
Verbindung fehlgeschlagen:
VLC konnte keine Verbindung zu "sat.ip:554" aufbauen.
Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
VLC kann die Medienadresse 'rtsp://sat.ip/?src=1&freq=12226&pol=h&ro=0.35&msys=dvbs&mtype=qpsk&plts=off&sr=27500&fec=34&pids=0,17,18,200,201,202,203' nicht öffnen. Für Details bitte im Fehlerprotokoll nachsehen.

and so on ...

Ralf Jahns
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Re: Sat>IP not working

Postby Ralf Jahns » 31 Dec 2018 16:23

tuned classic radio at last (it is a radio station not a tv station but it is also in the playlist and when VLC started jumping through the playlist as crazy it tuned this).

Ralf Jahns
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Posts: 9
Joined: 15 Feb 2018 18:01

Re: Sat>IP not working

Postby Ralf Jahns » 02 Jan 2019 17:53

Sorry, with version 3.0.5 everything is running fine again!

I saw the post in the forum, that 3.0.5 is out when I wrote about Sat>IP not working, but when I looked at the page, there was still 3.0.4 (as far as I remember).
Anyway, thanks to whoever fixed this.

Best regards

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