Wavpack Correction File doesn't seem to be used durring playback

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Wavpack Correction File doesn't seem to be used durring playback

Postby TunaMac » 23 Jul 2018 04:20

I'm looking to use Wavpack's hybrid mode to archive my music library this time around as I recently ruined my drive..... both of my backups. I chose FLAC the first time around as it was lossless and seems to be well supported; however, I used the uncompressed mode as I really just wanted a wav like format with good tag support. This time around I'm looking at Wavpack with the correction file as the duo are supposed to give me lossless quality while also allowing me to use the lossy wv independently as well for more storage limited devices. While testing the newly compressed track on VLC with my laptop I'm not seeing that the correction file is being used the way I expected it would. I'm not sure if there is a way to get VLC to acknowledge the presence of the correction file. Anyone run into this issue / know a workaround? I'll give it a try with foobar2k on my desktop later but my laptop is running Ubuntu which is sadly not a supported platform.

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Re: Wavpack Correction File doesn't seem to be used durring playback

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Jul 2018 10:04

I don't think VLC knows how to read the correction file.

See https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5407
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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