BACKGROUND: I have discovered that program settings are stored in 'c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\vlc\vlcrc'
IMPEDIMENT: Program settings are inconsistently named.
In Show settings == Simple //utilizes "Simple Preferences" dialog
In Show settings == All //utilizes "Advanced Preferences" dialog"Simple Preferences" > "Interface" > "Look and feel" > "Show controls in full screen mode" [checked]
"Simple Preferences" > "Interface" > "Look and feel" > "Show controls in full screen mode" [unchecked]
Here is the matching setting in 'vlcrc':"Advanced Preferences" > ????? //...I have not been able to locate the equivalent setting!
Therein lies the impediment. This would be better..."# Show a controller in fullscreen mode (boolean)/nqt-fs-controller=1"
"# Show a controller in fullscreen mode (boolean)/nqt-fs-controller=0" "Simple Preferences" dialog: 'vlcrc':"Simple Preferences" > "Interface" > "Look and feel" > "Show controls in full screen mode" = 'Yes' / 'No'
"Interface - Look and feel - Show controls in full screen mode" = 'Yes' / 'No'
[Look and feel]
"Show controls in full screen mode" = 'Yes' / 'No'
DISCUSSION: I could map the setting names between the 2 schemes, but that would be very tedious and would benefit only me.
However, if the names and formats of settings were consistent, then all users would be better able to set up VLC and replicate (and report) bugs.
I cannot sufficiently emphasize how important this issue is.
I cannot sufficiently emphasize how removing inconsistencies would benefit developers.
I'm willing to make the effort to resolve these inconsistencies, but I need to know in advance,
1, How to get my recommendations to developers - IRC is not an option,
2, That developers recognize the seriousness of this issue and will make consistency a priority,
3, That developers will provide whatever's needed (header files, for example), plus guidance to assist me, and
4, That I be put in contact with a single individual who will act as liason.
Warm Regards,
Mark Filipak.
ABOUT ME: I'm a retired electronics design (hardware) engineer and computer system architect who codes in many languages and who ran 29 projects during my 25 year career in California's Silicon Valley.