Hello people, please could I get some advice.
Since the update to v3.0.3 I’m getting a couple of little niggles with it which didn’t happen before.
Firstly, if I’m playing a video in full screen mode and need to pause it (but not actually stop it) and then double click to toggle back to normal windowed mode the video completely disappears. Although the video is still loaded and paused the video frame size seems to go to zero. If I drag the edges of the window frame the picture reappears. Previously when I toggled fullscreen like this the frame defaulted to the pixel dimensions of the video.
The second thing is that if I go to windows explorer and double click on a video file VLC would open and begin playing it. Now, although VLC opens and loads the video it doesn’t actually start playing it anymore until I press play.
If anyone could kindly offer any help to fix these little issues I would be very grateful.
Thank you.