Need a help to build custom VLC codec plugins via CMake

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Blank Cone
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Need a help to build custom VLC codec plugins via CMake

Postby Wohlstand » 12 Apr 2018 16:11


I have the audio library of custom MIDI player which uses a set of emulated YMF262 chips. For it I have made the VLC plugin which successfully compiling through autotools and copied binary into /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/codec works fine in VLC 2.2.2 I have installed into my system. ... /vlc_codec

I trying to make it be buildable via CMake build system: ... #L431-L464

However, built binary don't want work in the VLC by unknown reason for me yet. I linking my library statically.
What I did wrong or what I have missed up?
Can you explain or refer the documentation how to correctly compile the codec plugin for VLC? I mean not via autotools. I.e. What I must to link or do NOT link, which compiler/linker flags are required to make the codec plugin work fine?

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Re: Need a help to build custom VLC codec plugins via CMake

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 12 Apr 2018 17:13

You can get the necessary link options normally:

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pkg-config --libs vlc-plugin
But first, you should check if VLC finds the plugin:

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vlc --list -v
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: Need a help to build custom VLC codec plugins via CMake

Postby Wohlstand » 12 Apr 2018 19:13

I had no troubles with linked libraries, but vlc --list -v usually returned absence of my plugin when it was built via CMake.
Anyway, I just now have checked pkg-config's --cflags, and I have found this:

$ pkg-config --cflags vlc-plugin

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-D__PLUGIN__ -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -I/usr/include/vlc/plugins
And then I have changed my CMake script to use vlc-plugin's setup and macros right: ... ec6834dccc
Then, CMake-built plugin is finally shown in the vlc --list -v output and playing the music!

So, the reason why my plugin wasn't worked is a missing of a set of important macros are was given by pkg-config of vlc-plugin.

Thank you for a help! :D

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