Uploading media information for VLC users

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Uploading media information for VLC users

Postby paulycc » 25 Aug 2017 02:41

I have an audio CD of music I wrote burned on to a CD. When I first tried looking for media information - I have submitted the information to gracenote - VLC downloaded another persons album - in Italian I think - on to my metadata. I have since then replaced that with my titles etc. When I was completing the first song for a brief instant I saw a submit button at the bottom of the media or current information window I had opened. I was actually playing the track while doing so and it switched to the second song, and since then I cannot find a way to submit this data to wherever it goes to when VLC fills in that information. How do I upload it so that whenever anyone plays the CD using VLC the information will be downloaded to them? Where does VLC get its information from?

Or does anyone know how I can permanently keep those titles, tracklist, artist, album etc so that when someone plays it on a computer, regardless of format, the computer simply grabs it off the CD once I have burned copies of it? I suppose that's probably impossible but it doesn't hurt to ask. It seems to come up in iTunes and so far on CD players when I've tried it on those formats.

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Re: Uploading media information for VLC users

Postby InTheWings » 25 Aug 2017 11:02

you can disable CDDB in prefs
:!: If you want your problem to be solved :
* First read troubleshooting guide VSG:Main
* Always provide verbose LOGS ! (command line or from gui)
* Always check your issue against a developer build from Nightly Build of VLC
* Tell us when your problem is solved !

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Re: Uploading media information for VLC users

Postby paulycc » 26 Aug 2017 21:24

Hmmmm. I'm trying to find that in prefs. under Tools without any luck. Sorry, I'm very noob. I only see the option of cdda::///E (for my optical drive - that seems obvious) under tools/media under location. So if CDDB disables the default server, do I then have to assign a different server? And in any case I think I would like to have anyone using VLC for playing my CD to download information from the primary server VLC might reference. Unless I need to disable CDDB to upload my data there.

Although this leads me to another question: Why doesn't VLC first look at whatever metadata is on the CD itself? At least, I assume the program I used to create the CD using Roxio's NXT5 is writing titles, track data etc. to the disk itself.

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Re: Uploading media information for VLC users

Postby InTheWings » 30 Aug 2017 11:03

Code: Select all

/* Retrieve CD-TEXT information */ if (sys->cdtextc > 0 && sys->cdtextv[0] != NULL) vlc_meta_Merge(meta, sys->cdtextv[0]); /* Return true if the given string is not NULL and not empty */ #define NONEMPTY( psz ) ( (psz) && *(psz) ) /* If the given string is NULL or empty, fill it by the return value of 'code' */ #define ON_EMPTY( psz, code ) do { if( !NONEMPTY( psz) ) { (psz) = code; } } while(0) /* Retrieve CDDB information (preferred over CD-TEXT) */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBCDDB
Seems CDDB overrides CD-TEXT.

To me the real issue is the either collision in ID with your custom CD,
or a stupid guy did upload to CDDB his own custom CD information with same ID.
:!: If you want your problem to be solved :
* First read troubleshooting guide VSG:Main
* Always provide verbose LOGS ! (command line or from gui)
* Always check your issue against a developer build from Nightly Build of VLC
* Tell us when your problem is solved !

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Re: Uploading media information for VLC users

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 30 Aug 2017 17:29

Historically, VLC prefers CDDB over CD-TEXT.

And yes, unfortunately CDDB can contain garbage.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Uploading media information for VLC users

Postby paulycc » 02 Sep 2017 10:16

To InTheWings: It's probably more likely the former than the latter. What's showing up in my titles is an album from 1998 in what appears to be Italian. I'd suspect a different ID. My surname is Italian but it's not particularly common and I don't see it showing up in any of the info.
To Remi: That's good to know. Now if I can make use of that information... I've been gone for a couple of days. I'll need to look into this some more this weekend.

Thanks for the feedback.

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