Sorry for my bad english, I'm french and I have no answer to french section.
I convert mkv to mp4 for iTunes support and no transcode on Plex on apple TV 4.
Apple TV 4 & iPhone : no problem (i don't test if I fix bitrate on iPhone Plex)
On VLC, the last text stay on screen to end. I use Jubler and subtools to verify subtitles, and I have not time problem.
I give you three files to see the problem : ... lhdXc/view ... NHblk/view ... hja1U/view
I test on VLC 2.2.4 and nightly releases, on windows 10 & mac OS X El Capitan.
I must add a line ([FRENCH]) in the last second of movie, but it's too long to do to each movie.
Can you help me ?