Starting a stream via VLC web interface

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Starting a stream via VLC web interface

Postby GNUGradyn » 12 Apr 2017 23:27

I have recently discovered VLC. One thing I discovered is the ability to stream content from one computer to multiple other computers. This seems perfect to me for a over the internet movie night. So I installed VLC on my ubuntu server (does not have a GUI) and launched the web server (vlc -I http --http-port 3000 --http-password (password here))
I'm trying to create a stream via the web interface, but I keep getting errors. These are the 2 methods i've been trying:

1: Manage streams > Plus button
I have configured it like this
However, it just stays stuck at 00:00:00 and spams this error in the SSH session:

Code: Select all

[flv @ 0x7efc4c331fe0] Error evaluating rc_eq "(null)
and cannot be connected to via VLC

2: Playing the movie via the web interface and clicking the "stream" button
However, nothing happens when i press "yes"

New Cone
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Re: Starting a stream via VLC web interface

Postby GNUGradyn » 12 Apr 2017 23:37

EDIT: figured it out, i connect with ip:port/file rather then just ip:port. however, the stream is super choppy. I know my network can handle it, beacuse if I host a stream from the VLC client from my computer, it works great. TUrning the FPS way up helps, but still isnt nearly as smooth as a normal stream.

It also spams this INSTEAD Of the other thing with a higher FPS:

Code: Select all

[flv @ 0x7f0f70333180] rc buffer underflow

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Starting a stream via VLC web interface

Postby zcot » 14 Apr 2017 06:00

Check out the caching options..

vlc --help etc.

Also, you want to prefer to not transcode if possible. For example your input file is tpb.mp4 so the best thing is to make sure your codecs, and everything really, is the same if possible, but sometimes that's not the case of course. If the source fps is variable then it's not as good to force a rate if possible. -that's a definite possible source of chop.

Also, have you checked out the vlm.? I don't know if you can get better mileage from that method.

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