vlc-3.0.0-git getBandwidth()

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vlc-3.0.0-git getBandwidth()

Postby ncuhuang » 21 Mar 2017 13:28

Short version of my question:
How the VLC 3.0 nightly build getBandwidth() function work ? And where is the function code?

I use the VLC 3.0 media player nightly build in ubuntu. My work is about the live streaming with DASH (Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP), so I want to know how the VLC3.0 media player estimate the client's bandwidth and how the function work in the VLC media player.
I try to find it in the "logic" folder ,but it seems that they just call the getBandwidth function. The path is : modules > demux >adaptive > logic

Here is the link which I download the code.
https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archiv ... ster-daily > 3.0.0~~git20170320+r68966+63~ubuntu16.04.1


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