I have some playlist that I would like to to be able to play at a certain point and then be able to skip other points automatically.
Can someone please tell me the easiest way I could accomplish this?
I have looked at the discussion here on how to do it with Start and stop but have not found it to work as I would like.
For Example:
Example.mp4 (Total length is 2:10:00, I would like to start at 00:5:00 and play till 00:30:22 and then go from 00:41:03 to 02:05:00 skipping 00:30:22 - 00:41:03)
I have tried to do it like so:
<extension application="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0">
But this does not work, all it does is start at (00:41:03/2463) and play till (02:05:00/7500) skipping the first Start Time and Stop Time.
Any comments would be much appreciated!