I've been using Ricewind to convert my videos to MPEG2. Recently I upgraded to WeatherWax since it says there are some important security fixes. Unfortunately the output of Weatherwax is much worse than in RiceWind.
My Source video is here:
i use the following command line params to convert it:
--sout "#transcode{venc=ffmpeg,vcodec=mp2v,vb=8500,acodec=mp2,channels=2,ab=192,samplerate=48000}:std{access=file,mux=ps,dst="converted.mpg"}" --sout-transcode-width 480 --sout-transcode-height 320 --sout-ffmpeg-keyint=2 --sout-avcodec-rc-buffer-size=12000000 --sout-avcodec-vt=1000000 --sout-avcodec-mpeg4-matrix --sout-avcodec-rc-buffer-aggressivity=0.5 "C:\Media\Grimm_Pilot .avi"
In RiceWind I get the following output:
http://www.tvmediashare.com/ESW/Files/c ... ceWind.mpg
in WeatherWax I get the following:
http://www.tvmediashare.com/ESW/Files/c ... herWax.mpg
As you can see the Weatherwax converted file is much worse that the RiceWind one. Also I notice that the good file is 186MB, but the bad one is only 24MB...which would seem to point to a bitrate problem.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong in the new software?