Postby jayR » 10 Sep 2016 07:53
I copied vlc from my old computer with different directory name. And I run old vlc.exe file. There is a problem with approach. Your configuration can be contaminated! If you don't have old system, I recommend the following method.
1. Uninstall your new version VLC.
2. Install old version such as 2.0.3 as I use.
3. Copy the directory of "VideoLAN" in "C:\Program Files (x86)", create another directory, say, "VideoLAN-2.0.3".
4. From "VideoLAN-2.0.3/VLC" directory, create shortcut for "vlc.exe".
5. Edit the shortcut. right-click the shortcut and select "Properties".
Change "Target" as "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN-2.0.3\VLC\vlc.exe" --config=vlc203config.txt
6. Use the shortcut to start old VLC.
7. Uninstall old vlc and install new vlc.
In this way, you don't have to reset configuration files after using old vlc.