Trouble Playing Images on Other Monitors

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Trouble Playing Images on Other Monitors

Postby KDPulaskiCounty » 25 Aug 2016 17:51

We currently use 3 epson projectors to play video images using the VLC Media player. It worked wonderfully until yesterday when my menu option of "send to monitor" disappeared. We recently updated to windows 10 and the videos and player have been acting finicky, but I as still able to get the images to send. Usually it gave me the option to send to monitor, then the monitors and screens would come up and I could choose monitor 2,3,or 4 and it would appear and be sent to the projector and play in another room. The box only shows restore, maximize or close for options to do, the send to monitor option doesn't even show up anymore. Where did my option to "send to monitor" go and how do I get it back? Thanks!

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