Slide (JPG) duration

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Slide (JPG) duration

Postby Loonix » 22 May 2016 02:32

I have a playlist that starts with some JPGs, then has a couple of short MP4's (under 3 minutes each). I would like to make the slides display for a certain duration for each. So one slide will be 6 seconds, another 10 seconds, another slide 7, etc. I edited the playlist (XML) and changed the durations, but it made no difference, they all defaulted to 10 seconds (10000 mS- how to change that?). How do I make VLC respect the <duration> tags? Or, how do I change the duration for each slide (JPG)? How do I change the default duration?

In case it matters, I am running VLC on Windows 10 in this instance.

Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 2.0.8
Operating System: Windows Vista/XP

Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby mederi » 22 May 2016 11:48

xspf playlist

Code: Select all


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Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby Loonix » 22 May 2016 23:45

Thank you fro the suggestion, mederi. When I use lines like these: "<vlc:option>image-duration=6</vlc:option>", it won't load the playlist file at all. Putting them back to ones like these allows VLC to load the playlist again, albeit with the default duration of 10 seconds for each slide.

A sample line looks like this when it loads:
<extension application="">

It fails to load like this:
<extension application="">

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Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby Loonix » 22 May 2016 23:47

<vlc:option>image-duration=6</vlc:option> doesn't work, either (instead of 6000)

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Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby Loonix » 23 May 2016 09:11

My bad- I found that placing the suggested line in the right place within <extension application=> worked! Thanks very much, medori.

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Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby jboerst » 23 Nov 2016 19:15

I have the same question. How to edit the duration of a slide.
I am on a new MAC computer. I have tried Mederi suggestion to no avail.
Thanks for any help. jboerst

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Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby jboerst » 23 Nov 2016 22:19

Finally figured it out.
Will work on my XML

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Re: Slide (JPG) duration

Postby scifenefics » 25 Oct 2018 08:03

What Loonix means for future trouble shooters is that to put it between <extension application=> and </extension>. So the final working code looks like the below:

<extension application="">

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