Playing video with gaps

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Playing video with gaps

Postby TrevorGryffits » 11 Feb 2016 13:51

Hello everyone.

I have to play mkv file (containing only video stream) using VLC. Unfortunately, this video is not "continuous" - timestamps between frames can differ even by an hour. VLC behaves differently, depending on such gap's length. If this hole is equal to (or longer) than 60 seconds, the program jumps over, and continue with playing without any problems. And this is perfectly fine. Log shows:

Code: Select all

core warning: clock gap, unexpected stream discontinuity core warning: feeding synchro with a new reference point trying to recover from clock gap
On Ubuntu this message is shown only once (per gap), on Windows this message pops out several times.

However, if gap is shorter than 60 seconds, VLC jumps over like before, but shortly after such "jump", it pauses (GUI indicates that file is still played). Duration of such pause is equal to duration of gap. After that, VLC resumes playing.
Log on Windows:

Code: Select all

clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335051000 core warning: early picture skipped clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335093000 core warning: early picture skipped clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335134000 core warning: early picture skipped clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335176000 core warning: early picture skipped clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335218000 core warning: early picture skipped clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335259000 core warning: early picture skipped clock error: Timestamp conversion failed (delay 300000, buffering 100000, bound 9000000) core error: Could not convert timestamp 2335301000 core warning: early picture skipped
On Ubuntu, only warnings about skipping pictures are shown.

Last behavior is unacceptable for me. Is it possible to lower this 60 sec. margin to, let's say, less than 10 sec.? I have searched through the VLC options for something like "gap", "60", and so on, but I have not found anything useful.

I've tested it with VLC 2.1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 and 2.2.2 on Windows 7.

Thank you for your help.

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