Time stretching isn't working when disabled

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 02 Oct 2015 14:21

Time stretching isn't working when disabled

Postby Meyrime » 02 Oct 2015 14:32

Hello everyone. I'm here to ask for your help for time stretching.

After I updated my VLC to 2.2.1 (and having a hard time to keep equalizer options working after closing VLC), I noticed that one thing I like, the time stretching isn't working.
Don't get me wrong, the time stretching is working when it's enabled. The song are quicker or slower while keeping the same pitch. What I'm here for is when that option is disabled. Until now, it was supposed to speed up the song AND giving an higher pitch at the same time. But now, if I move from "x1.00" to something else, I have no sound anymore. Someone have an idea of what's going on?

Sorry if I'm not clear, I have trouble choosing my words. Thanks for giving time to my problem.

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