Videos that VLC can not decode

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Videos that VLC can not decode

Postby Pelikan » 19 Nov 2014 15:01

Hey guys,

One of the things for our project is reconstructing video-streams coming over YouTube.
From a particular Video, which we previously had uploaded to YouTube, I have downloaded two versions that make Problems with VLC.

The first one is pure mpeg2 transport stream (video and no audio). VLC 2.1.5 does not display anything. With a different player though, I can play the video without any problem.
The reason that VLC fails may be that a segment of about 7 sec. is missing somewhere within the video. Still a good player should be able to handle this.

The second one is a webm version of the same video. VLC takes it, and displays “something”, but it looks as if there are parsing errors in almost every frame. It looks terrible. Mozilla-Firefox on the other hand plays it without any artefact.

Is there anyone interested to get these files in order to debug VLC and make the code more perfect? I cannot do that myself, but I know how valuable such example-files may be in order to find rare bugs. The files have 34 and 16 Mbyte.


Maarten Glassmoutain
New Cone
New Cone
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VLC version: 2.2.1
Operating System: MAC OS

Re: Videos that VLC can not decode

Postby Maarten Glassmoutain » 29 Aug 2015 12:01

I have the same problem. My .webm clips do play in the Firefox browser, but not in the VLC Player 2.2.1. Only the audio stream plays in VLC which is Vorbis audio.
The video clips are created with the FFMpeg commandline tool on Mac OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks). No special commands are used.

Anyone experiencing the same issues?

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