Scaling problems on a new 4k laptop

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Scaling problems on a new 4k laptop

Postby DraconisArgentum » 17 May 2015 23:11

I've used and loved VLC for quite some time, and recruit my fellow professional students to do the same. Recently, however, I upgraded to a very nice new laptop with a 4k monitor, and immediately had problems. Specifically, the VLC GUI doesn't scale to match the Window scaling, meaning that the buttons are so small at to literally be unusable. I've tried workarounds located in the VLC forums involving editing the registry and creating a new vlc.exe.manifest file, in an attempt to get to program to correctly match the Windows scaling. That caused the window to open at "normal" size (instead of 1/4th of normal size), but the GUI buttons themselves are still miniscule. It's not the new update that just dropped either - the VLC on my desktop and older laptop still work perfectly. Also, I hate Windows media player. It can speed up the video just like VLC, but has a GUI that scales nearly as badly. With 4k screens becoming more common every day, I can't help but suspect I'm not the first person to encounter this difficulty, but I have yet to find an effective means to resolve it. Please advise.


~Frustrated med student

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Scaling problems on a new 4k laptop

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 20 May 2015 23:18

We're working on this.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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