Plays Only First VOB File

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Plays Only First VOB File

Postby JWilliamCupp » 04 May 2015 17:32

Over the weekend I upgraded by system to VLC 2.2.1. A problem that I experienced several releases ago has returned.

The major symptom is as follows. I have numerous TV show series' sets of DVD. I have copied these DVDs to hard drives. I play the media files from those hard drives. With certain programs, the first VOB file will play just fine but as soon as the video moves to the second VOB file it does not work. Files 2 through the end move forward quite swiftly (takes about 40 seconds to pass through a 1 GB VOB file) and the screen remains blank throughout.

This does not happen with all TV shows I have on hard drives, only some of them. A possibly related symptom is as follows: for each new VOB file, as it begins, their is approximately one-eighth second of all gray video output, then the normal scene appears by pixellating-in. On all of the shows I have tried with VLC 2.2.1 this is the appears as each new VOB file starts, whether the system plays VOB files number 2 onward or not.

I am wondering whether anyone else has witnessed this problem -- initial all gray screen, or only VOB file 1 plays.

Also, is there an archive where I can download the previous version? As stated, I had this problem a while ago (six month? eight months? more? back) but it has not been appearing in recent versions of VLC player, except until I upgraded to VLC 2.2.1.

I am using both Windows and Fedora Linux versions of VLC player.

Thanks, Bill

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Re: Plays Only First VOB File

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 04 May 2015 23:08

You should play directly the VIDEO_TS folder, not the individual ones. What about opening the .ifo ?

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