I have a little problem with screen capture and need help.
After PC reboot with running capture to file i got an empty file.
Code: Select all
vlc screen:// --intf dummy --screen-fps=10 --sout-x264-profile=high444 --sout-x264-qp=0 --sout-x264-quiet --sout-x264-preset=ultrafast --sout-x264-tune=zerolatency :sout='#transcode{vcodec=h264,scale=1,width=1280,height=1024,acodec=none}:file{mux=flv,dst=video.tmp}'
I tried different muxers and got different results. some of them have a such "feature" e.g. avi and mkv, others are not opening (e.g. mp4) or have artifacts while seek.
vlc versions 2.0.3 and 2.1.4
Thank you.