convert MTS videos: vlc disregards resolution settings

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convert MTS videos: vlc disregards resolution settings

Postby Livormortid » 31 Oct 2011 16:01

VLC 1.1.11 on WIN XP;
VLC on Ubuntu 11.04

Whenever I try to convert MTS videos, recorded with a JVC HD camera, I either get no video stream (only audio).
Or I get a video file that has the same file size and precisely the same video resolution, regardless of the settings that I choose.
What am I doing wrong?

To convert a video I do: Media -> Convert -> Source: Filename.mps; Destination: Filename.avi /or .mp4
Profiles I have tried: - H.264 + AAC (MP4) - DIV3+MP3 - Custom with MPEG 4 MPEG Audio (different resolutions)

This is the most basic application one can imagine: You make HD Videos and convert theme into a format with a wider application field. How can this be so complicated!

Any suggestions are welcome!

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 23 Mar 2015 23:53

Re: convert MTS videos: vlc disregards resolution settings

Postby unobinary » 24 Mar 2015 00:14


I am having the same issue and that its converting videos that are in the MTS format and need them in MP4. I can hear the sound but no video image.

I notice there are a lot of views but no replies.

If anyone can assist that would be greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

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