Streaming from NAS question

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 19 Jan 2015 15:25

Streaming from NAS question

Postby drmozr » 19 Jan 2015 15:58


I have a Linkstation 2TB Buffalo NAS, and have successfully set it up for remote sharing (UPNP, DLNA enabled).

I have managed to using Buffalos' webaccess app navigate the share remotely, and stream video to my Android phone to both VLC Beta and MXPlayer (VLC does not allow seeking however).

When I am on my remote desktop I again can navigate the share, I can upload and download content but I can't stream. The only way it attempts it is if I have the VLC plugin enabled in both chrome and firefox, where it opens up a tab, displays the traffic cone and navigation bar and halts.

I have tried copying and pasting the stream link to the VLC Network Stream menu whilst logged in but it does not work. (with and without the http:// prefix).

Seeing as I can successfully stream from my NAS remotely to my phone there must be a way of doing it as easy on my PC. For the moment, I do not want to go into media server/PLEX/Twonky setups additionally, as I would be very happy with it working as it is on my phone for watching the odd film/TV show.

As an experiment I installed Webaccess and VLC on my PC via Bluestacks and it worked just like my phone, but obviously with a clumsy interface not made for a PC and mouse. So Webacess and VLC on Android is working together in a way that my browser and VLC is not working together on my PC.

I also know that the Linkstation is not a powerhouse, but I got a 2TB version for £53 so could not say no, and as a NAS with it's latest firmware it has run rock solid since the start of December.

Any help would be much appreciated.


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Jan 2015 15:25

Re: Streaming from NAS question

Postby drmozr » 12 Feb 2015 15:43

I have partially worked out my problem, and thought I would post in case someone else runs into the same issue with the NAS, and more widely, with the VLC plugin not allowing snapping to another point in the video.

After installing Buffallos 'webaccess for PC' client I could navigate my NAS inside from My Computer.

There it would then allow me to play the titles in any web browser using the VLC but still I was not allowed to skip to another point in the video.

I disabled the plugin, and installed DIVX, and enable the divx plugin and divx vod helper.

All videos can now play in browser.

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