Play multiple video tracks in MP4 or MKV file in sequence?

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Play multiple video tracks in MP4 or MKV file in sequence?

Postby ddsouza » 23 Jan 2015 19:29

I have an MP4 or MKV file that consists of multiple video tracks, with each track having a different resolution, frame rate and aspect ratio. Currently when i play this file in VLC, it opens several windows to display each track's video i.e. one display window per track. I am trying to avoid the time factor it takes to re-encode the individual video track to have the same resolution, frame rate and aspect ratio.

Is there a way VLC can play these video tracks in an ordered sequence back-to-back, in a single window, whereby Track 2 begins once Track 1 has ended, and so on and so forth?

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Play multiple video tracks in MP4 or MKV file in sequenc

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 24 Jan 2015 17:23

You need to use VLC nightly build to play only one of them.

To play back to back and select the right one, automatically, I doubt you can, so far. We can select the audio track, but not the video one.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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