I have troubles with reading HLS streams with special characters with VLC.
VLC seems to build the url strangely, it doesn't seem to replace the correct parts. When the URL prefixes in the m3u8 are simpler, the stream works perfectly, but not in my case when I need to send complex authentification information.
I suspect that VLC decodes some parts of the authentication key and misinterprets them, but I don't know if something's wrong in the m3u8 file or if it is a VLC bug.
The logs below are logs from my iOS application using VLCKit (parts are replaced with "xxx" for lisibility). The VLC application crashes when I try to call the same URL
2014-12-19 10:49:17.059 Cloud Orange[1169:d603] RTCReporting: resolve from http://pancake.apple.com/bags/hls?version=4.12
2014-12-19 10:49:17.100 Cloud Orange[1169:607] -[MYCOMediaPlayer prepareToPlayAsset:withKeys:][line 470][DEBUG] asset prepared
[0e149524] httplive stream: HTTP Live Streaming (streaming09.cloud.wanadoo.fr/pcmorangepreprodcloud00000000234/urn%3Aufapi%3Aobject%3Amyco%3A71dafe2a-151d-4c85-a714-cbf6a31d5714%3Bformat%3Dmanifest/playlist.m3u8?SESSIONID=xxxA%2Baa%2Fxxx%2F%2BMrxxx%2FdWSutSQ%3D%3D)
2014-12-19 10:49:20.321 Cloud Orange[1169:607] -[MYCOMediaPlayer initScrubberTimer][line 259][DEBUG] adding time observer for avplayer
2014-12-19 10:49:20.322 Cloud Orange[1169:607] -[MYCOMediaPlayer onReadyToPlay][line 320][DEBUG] starting track
[0e459cf4] http access error: error: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
[0e149524] core stream error: no suitable access module for `https://streaming09.cloud.wanadoo.fr/pc ... /dWSutSQ=='
[0e149524] httplive stream error: downloading segment 1 from stream 2 failed
[0e149524] httplive stream error: fetching first segment failed.
playlist.M3U8 file content :
Code: Select all
## Created with Unified Streaming Platform(version=1.6.6)
Code: Select all
## Created with Unified Streaming Platform(version=1.6.6)
#EXTINF:8, no desc
#EXTINF:6, no desc