How do I get vlc or cvlc to preserve the metadata correctly identified by lua?
Here's the command I'm running:
Code: Select all
cvlc -vvv --sout='#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=mp3,dst='test4.mp3'}'
Code: Select all
[0x7fdd0cc0ac98] lua demux debug: Name: Zoltan Vs Zerzan
[0x7fdd0cc0ac98] lua demux debug: Artist: Stanford Transhumanists
[0x7fdd0cc0ac98] lua demux debug: Description: The Stanford Transhumanist Association is thrilled to announce a debate between Zoltan Istvan and John Zerzan on the future of technology and its ethical imp...
[0x7fdd0cc0ac98] lua demux debug: ArtURL:
[0x7fdd0cc0ac98] lua demux debug: meta-URL: