Wall filter only works in ver. 1.*.*There is a easier way with wall filter.
Hey this is wonderful! I was wondering how exactly did you change the aspect ratio to 32:9 though? Please let me know. ThanksI managed to fit it perfectly in my screen. The changes I made were the following:
•Changed aspect ratio to 32:9
• Opened video effects -Window>Video Effects (Cmnd+ E in Mac)
•In the tab "Crop" I set it to crop 960px from the right only. (My screen resolution is 1280x800)
VLC v2.0.5
Mac OS X lion 10.7.5
I hope this is useful. It took me a while to come up with this simple workaround. VLC should definitely include such option by default.
The aspect ratio can be changed by going into the preferences of the application, then click on the button that says "Show all" and then go into the Video settings. Scroll down a little and you should find source aspect ratio. Change this value and click "save".
Remember that this will change the aspect ratio for all the media you play. Reset all your settings before watching different content other that the SBS.
If I do this to a 1080p 3D movie, will it effectively make it half quality or 540p (if that even exists)?
I don't have a 3D screen or glasses, but would like to future-proof (as much as possible) my downloads by downloading 1080p 3D movies (as they seem to be the latest & greatest), but if it is halving the quality in my scenario, then I'll just stick to regular 1080p videos.
Code: Select all
Texture2D shaderTexture;
SamplerState SampleType;
struct PS_INPUT
float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;
float4 main(PS_INPUT In) : SV_TARGET
float2 newCoords;
// newCoords = float2(In.Texture.x, In.Texture.y / 2.0); //SBS UP DOWN
newCoords = float2(In.Texture.x / 2.0, In.Texture.y); //SBS LEFT RIGHT
float4 rgba;
rgba = shaderTexture.Sample(SampleType, newCoords);
return rgba;
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