--sout-all with DBV-T gives an empty file (works with FBX)

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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--sout-all with DBV-T gives an empty file (works with FBX)

Postby Gourmet » 15 Jun 2012 10:33

here is a problam I've been facing for several months.
And I can't find a solution. I've tried many things like --es-pid..., --programs as well as other exotic options.
No way: that doesn't work.

Is it a bug or a feature?

That doesn't seem to occur for everyone else.
So, obviously, something is bad in my command.

To be noticed: the behaviour is the same with a 1.1.x vlc as well as with the 2.0.1 version.

So, well, the idea is to record (hence the cvlc) a DVB-T service id (a program) with all the ES inside.
That works well with a FBX multiposte stream but not with a DVB-T streaming: the file is empty.
The ES are not organized the same way in the multiposte TS and in the DVB-T native stream. Maybe that is an explanation.
But how to correct this?

First, the multiposte stream.
Only one audio ES.

Code: Select all

cvlc 'rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=204&flavour=sd' --sout='file/ts:artesd_multiposte.ts'
Ok, but I can retrieve only one audio stream. Normal.

The same, now, with --sout-all.

Code: Select all

cvlc 'rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=204&flavour=sd' --sout-all --sout='file/ts:artesd_multiposte.ts'
OK and I have all the audio streams (2 here) as well as the video on (of course) in the file.

Now, the same thing with DVB-T.
One audio ES:

Code: Select all

cvlc 'dvb://adapter=0:frequency=674167000:bandwidth=8' --program=1543 --sout '#standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst="artesd_tnt.ts"}'
That's OK and I have only one audio stream. Normal.

The same, now, with --sout-all.

Code: Select all

cvlc 'dvb://adapter=0:frequency=674167000:bandwidth=8' --program=1543 --sout-all --sout '#standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst="artesd_tnt.ts"}'
No errors but the file is empty (same thing with --sout='file/ts:artesd_tnt.ts'.
With a -vvv I can see that, as the previous command, the stream is well decoded and all the PID found but the file artesd_tnt.ts is desesperately empty.

Does someone have an idea?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: --sout-all with DBV-T gives an empty file (works with FB

Postby Gourmet » 15 Jun 2012 17:01

Forget it.
I've found dvbstream that does very simply the job:

Code: Select all

dvbstream -c <card> -f <frequency in kHz> -o:file <set of pids>
It's a pity that such a swiss knife as VLC can be is not able to stream only a set of PID!

New Cone
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Re: --sout-all with DBV-T gives an empty file (works with FB

Postby oni0n » 26 Jun 2014 16:40

I am seeing the same with VLC 2.0.8 and 2.1.3

Has anyone found a solution?

I also notice that it fails with my ATSC TV stream but works with a static file.

My command line looks like:
vlc dvb://frequency=473000000 --dvb-modulation=8VSB --sout file/ts:foo.ts --sout-all

The file produced is 0 bytes.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: --sout-all with DBV-T gives an empty file (works with FB

Postby kodela » 27 Jun 2014 12:22

Try using this syntax:

Code: Select all

vlc dvb-t://frequency=666000000 :live-caching=1000 :program=32
For "program" the service ID is set. Or:

Code: Select all

vlc dvb-t://frequency=666000000 :live-caching=1000 :program=32 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1000,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:file{dst=D:\\VLC\\Test.ts} :sout-keep

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