Hi all. I just built a new editing system using a SSD (Crucial 256GB SSD) as the primary drive to run Windows7 Home Prem and a WD Blk 1TB as the slave. I reinstalled Any Video Converter Ult. and VLC. I ran some tests and neither app will allow me to embed a srt file into the video. Both apps will convert the file but won't embed the subtitles. The test srt file I wrote follows the guide given on the AVC website and I saved it as a UTD-8 file. If I play the video in VLC and select the srt file, the subtitles show. If I run converter on VLC it doesn't embed the subtitles. Also AVC only converts to certain formats. It won't show the subtitles in the preview window or embed the subtitles. I need to get this working to embed Spanish into English language industrial videos.
I'm thinking there is some conflict going on with the hardware (SSD). Does anyone have any ideas to try and resolve this? Thanks