I am currently using VLC version 2.1.3 and I have encountered a rather annoying bug. Whenever the m key is pressed VLC jumps to the top of the media library and starts playing the first song/video. This happens despite the fact that the m key is not bound to anything, neither as a local hotkey nor as a global one. Even more annoyingly it also manages to somehow suppress the key press completely, thus rendering the m key unusable while VLC is running. For instance if I'm writing something in word and press m while VLC is running, it doesn't write anything and it resets my music/starts playing the first song in the list. For some reason google couldn't help me, so I'm hoping someone else here had to deal with this BS. I'm using Win7 by the way, however I have no idea if that is relevant to this matter so I posted in this board section.
Please help =)