Problem with skin

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New Cone
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Problem with skin

Postby ronman189 » 31 Jan 2014 17:48

The PC I am dealing with is an older DEll running XP SP3. I use this in the morning to listen to my CD's while I check my e:mail and do light browsing. I have used VLC for videos forever. Recently, I was having issues with Window Media Player and I thought I would switch over to playing my CD's with VLC. Being adventurous (stupid) I thought I would try out a few skins. I downloaded several, didn't care for them and deleted them. Then I downloaded the one called WMP11 and I have had nothing but trouble since. When I try to open a CD with VLC now, it immediately crashes. I have gone into the skins folder, deleted the skin, yet it still appears when I open VLC. I actually uninstalled the VLC Media player altogether, reinstalled it and the skin reappeared magically. I once again went to the skins folder and deleted it, to no avail. Can someone help me with this issue?

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