[proposal] All Hotkeys in the Hotkeylist

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New Cone
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[proposal] All Hotkeys in the Hotkeylist

Postby axam » 29 Jan 2014 15:23


I find out that there are more Hotkeys then in the Hotkeylist shown, for example "ctrl+l" to "Hide/Show playlist " and "ctrl+y" to "Save playlist ".
I think it would make VLC a little bit better if all exist Hotkeys are listet in in the Hotkeylist.
If there are some Hotkeys, the can't be change by some reason, the could be lockt combinet with a "This Hotkey can't be changed"-Dialog, but they should be also in the list to inform user that the exist.

Okay, you can say, all Hotkeys are listet in the VLC-Wiki you find with help, but I use VLC since jears and only now I find out that there are also Hotkeys to "Hide/Show playlist" and for "Save playlist "

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