Concertos and Operas PAL DVD/Videos. Which options?

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Concertos and Operas PAL DVD/Videos. Which options?

Postby marcus.aurelius » 07 Sep 2013 11:32

Hallo to everybody.

I am new to the forum. I would like to have an opinion about the following topics.

I have many videos and some DVDs of Classical Music and Opera. Some of them are in PAL format. If I am not wrong, PAL will play slightly faster compared to the correct speed. I would like to correct this without affecting the sound quality (other than the speed), even at the price to reduce the video quality.

Could anybody suggest me the good options to use?

Thanks a lot in advance!

I wish a wonderful weekend to everybody!

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Re: Concertos and Operas PAL DVD/Videos. Which options?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Sep 2013 00:01

You need to disable audio pitch correction in prefs and play at speed 0.96x (or 1.04x depending on your need).
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