I'm new to this, so I'm not sure if the question I'm asking even makes any sense.
I'm supposed to encode video to stream to an external device, the parameters I was told were:
H.264 in MPEG2 Transport Stream - via UDP - expecting 640x480 resolution.
I've poked around in VLC, and managed to send video between two different instances of VLC, except:
1. I used RTP, because I couldn't make the UDP(legacy) work.
2. I couldn't find the H.265 in MPEG2TS, just H.264 + MP3(MP4) & H.264 + MP3(TS)
All I really want is to get a reliable streaming source of anything that matches the requirement, so I can make sure the listener is working.
I have to write a sender, and want to be sure the listener is proven good before I pull my hair out on the sender side.
Anybody have any suggestions? VLC capable of this? Should I use something else?