Potential improvement for SAP parser

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Potential improvement for SAP parser

Postby johnms » 06 May 2013 21:15

Hello VLC supporters, I work for VBrick Systems and your great player is popular with our streaming appliance customers.
We've received several requests from our mutual customers to make VBrick's H.264 live streaming appliance SAPs compatible with the VLC SAP listener. (VBrick MPEG-2 and Windows Media streaming appliance SAPs are already compatible with VLC.) Our experiments show that one line in our H.264 SAP is causing the trouble -- the time description line, or "t=0,0".
This is an example of our H.264 SAP message that will not appear on the VLC playlist:

o=- 0000000000 1 IN IP4
s=JohnS-7000 Program 1
i=VBrick Streaming Video
c=IN IP4
a=author:My Author
a=copyright:My Copyright
a=tool:VBrick 3.0.0
m=video 4444 udp 33
m=audio 4444 udp 36

But our experiments show that just a minor modification to move the t=0,0 line above the attribute lines will get it to appear on the VLC playlist, like this:

o=- 0000000000 1 IN IP4
s=JohnS-7000 Program 1
i=VBrick Streaming Video
c=IN IP4
a=author:My Author
a=copyright:My Copyright
a=tool:VBrick 3.0.0
m=video 4444 udp 33
m=audio 4444 udp 36

The VLC SAP configuration options "Try to parse the announce" and "SAP Strict mode" do not seem to affect VLC's behavior with our H.264 SAPs.

Unfortunately, we are reluctant to change this on our side because we deliberately moved the "t=0,0" line in our newer H.264 appliances (as compared to our older MPEG-2 appliances) to achieve better alignment with Section 5 of RFC 4566:

Some lines in each description are REQUIRED and some are OPTIONAL,
but all MUST appear in exactly the order given here (the fixed order
greatly enhances error detection and allows for a simple parser).
OPTIONAL items are marked with a "*".
Session description
v= (protocol version)
o= (originator and session identifier)
s= (session name)
i=* (session information)
u=* (URI of description)
e=* (email address)
p=* (phone number)
c=* (connection information -- not required if included in
all media)
b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
One or more time descriptions ("t=" and "r=" lines; see below)
z=* (time zone adjustments)
k=* (encryption key)
a=* (zero or more session attribute lines)
Zero or more media descriptions

Time description
t= (time the session is active)
r=* (zero or more repeat times)

Media description, if present
m= (media name and transport address)
i=* (media title)
c=* (connection information -- optional if included at
session level)
b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
k=* (encryption key)
a=* (zero or more media attribute lines)

Would the VLC supporters consider enhancing their SAP listener to be more flexible and more compatible with RFC 4566?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Potential improvement for SAP parser

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 07 May 2013 03:15

The native VLC parser should support the correct RFC order, but it does not support dynamically allocated payload types or (as here) multiple m=lines due to lack of developer resources.

What you see is a bug in the live555 library SDP parser. The VLC developers cannot fix that. You'll have to complain to live555.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 06 May 2013 20:08

Re: Potential improvement for SAP parser

Postby johnms » 07 May 2013 21:48

Thank you for the reply.
I have passed the request to live555 Support.

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