I have two problems with VLC actually, that's why I didn't post in the OS specific threads (but it may be not the bes idea (?)):
- First
I want to take a picture from my webcam every X seconds. I tried the following comand on Linux:
Code: Select all
vlc -I dummy v4l2:///dev/video0 --video-filter scene --no-audio --scene-path /home/xinouch/cam --scene-prefix img --scene-format png vlc://quit --run-time=1
this should take a simple picture from my webcam (it's a beginning).
The problem is it the image result is a simple black image, whereas with VLC, I'm able to see me with my webcam or save what the webcam see in a video file. Moreover, when I execute this command, vlc launch (and it exits directly) and I have the time to see the picture taken in VLC which is clearly not black! Is the problem coming from the conversion?
- Second
I want to test this in windows to see if it works better or not. In windows the name of my webcam is "USB2.0 PC CAMERA" but I don't know how to call it in the command:
Code: Select all
vlc -I dummy v4l2://USB2.0 PC CAMERA
I use Debian Sid amd64 with VLC 2.0.5, windows 7 64 bits with VLC 2.0.5 and my webcam is the following: http://www.amazon.co.uk/eSecure-Microph ... B0041LK8NI
thank you for your help!