Hello everyone, i am a student from a University in Brazil.
Currently, in one of the classes, we have a project where we are supposed to contribute with a free software by adding it a new feature.
Me and my friends picked VLC media player, and we already have the idea that we will try to implement.
However, we need to make sure that the feature actually dosen't exist(we also searched for it and found nothing) and if there are no one implementing it already.
The idea for our project is that, when VLC player lose focus, it execute a choosable action, also execute a choosable action when gaining focus again.
Ex: When you press alt+tab to change from the VLC to another window, it will automaticaly PAUSE the video, and when you alt+tab again on the vlc, putting it on focus again, it will start the player again automatically, without the need to pause or play the video.
Anyone know if VLC already has this feature? Or if anyone is planning to develop this?