Darwin Streaming Server to TCP VLC problem!!!

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Darwin Streaming Server to TCP VLC problem!!!

Postby sameunri » 06 Feb 2013 04:28


I'm currently testing a streaming server based on DSS.

I used DSS 5.5.5 and VLC 1.1.9. Both UDP and TCP real time streaming worked pretty well on Linux and Winows.

BUT i tried to vod, DSS, VLC unexpectedly started skipping at the beginning of streams a lot if TCP was used. I knew that DSS seems to start

with doubled bandwith in TCP Mode for about 30~40 seconds and switched down afterwards.

SO, Streaming video and audio shows similar effects, Both video and audio is skipping. Video with "late picture skipped", audio with

"PTS is out of range" or "audio drift is too big".

Streaming to quicktime client works perfectly. mpeg4ip client works nicely, too.

i think that the problems is..

1. live555.cpp (rtsp module) ?
2. vlc clock synchro algorithm?

i'm very happy about any help.

Regards, Sameunri

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