Alright, using some sets of headphones, I have several videos that I can hear a high-pitched whiny noise while playing. This problem occurs on some DVDs as well, but it is usually not too big a deal. Maybe I have sensitive ears or something, but I'm sure some of you have had "You can't hear that?" moments when you could hear the TV on, a messed up fluorescent light, or maybe those new stupid cell phone rings.
In any case, I am wondering if it is possible to remove this noise in VLC. I messed around with the parametric equalizer, but I couldn't figure out how to make it do anything and I couldn't find any documentation on it (maybe someone here knows). I found that you can set the audio output frequency in the settings, and setting it down into the 20,000 Hz range certainly removes the noise but then it just sounds terrible.
I'm wondering if there is some way to create a lowpass filter of sorts. For example, in FFDShow on Windows this is possible, settings like this fix the problem completely (for me, anyway) without otherwise adversely affecting the audio quality:
For reference, here is an audio clip with the noise I am talking about. This one is somewhat an extreme case, if you can hear the whine, then I am not alone! I am looking for a way to remove the noise without making it sound bad.
5 second clip, audio only, phpBB doesn't like links with exclamation marks?:!!stuff/
Thanks for any help that you may be able to provide!
[Edit] Broken link, whoops, fixed now.