Please improve options to navigate into a video file

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Please improve options to navigate into a video file

Postby lowiq77 » 21 Apr 2012 12:48

One of VLC's severe lack of ergonomy is the impossibility to navigate back-and-forth frame by frame in a video file.

Options like "Very short", "Short", "Medium" and "Long" forward or backwards jump, are at best a gadget. To go back one frame, one has to note the current frame, make a "Very short" jump backwards, calculate how many frames the video actually jumped, and click the "Next frame" key as many times as needed to advance to the required frame. Excruciating. (or if this is not the only way to do it, I have not find any better)

What users want is jump by a given number of frames. Standard value for "Very short" jump should be one frame, "Short" twelve frames (a half-second), "Medium" one second and "Long" five seconds, these values as parameters so the user can enter other values that better suit his needs.

Thank you

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Please improve options to navigate into a video file

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Apr 2012 19:18

Excruciating? Exageration much?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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