Recording Picture-in-picture

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Recording Picture-in-picture

Postby ckarcher » 06 Feb 2012 06:35


I'm new to this forum and new to videorecording.
I want to give you a brief description of what I am planing to do:

I want to run a training program for medical students where they participate in a training scenario which is recorded via a USB camera. They have a patient monitor in the room which is basically a VGA monitor displaying vital parameters, ECGs etc.

Now I've got two questions which might be inter-linked.

1) I am looking for a solution to record two different video signals (the USB cam and the monitor signal) as "picture in picture". Is this possible with VideoLAN at all or which other software could I use (Windows or Mac)

2) The software that generates the patient monitor has a setting called "Monitor source identification for Video Client" with two fields. One is "Monitor name", the other is "Port". I'm wondering whether I can feed this Monitor source directly into the video recording software.

I'd appreciate any advice.

Many thanks in advance, Christian

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Recording Picture-in-picture

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Feb 2012 17:47

You could do that with VLC, but it is very complicated, so I would advise some other program for that.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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