I get this error when trying to play this subtitled video:
[0x27415c0] freetype spu text error: failed to load font file /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerifBold.ttf
When I add the ttf there, it works but I want to force the subtitles into a certain font so I tried launching VLC via this:
vlc "file2.mkv" --sout "#transcode{vcodec=h264,scale=1.0,soverlay}:std{access=http{mime=video/x-flv},mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/stream.flv}" --sout-keep --sub-track-id=0 --freetype-font=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/arial.ttf
However I still get the error:
[0x27415c0] freetype spu text error: failed to load font file /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerifBold.ttf
Why won't --freetype-font work?