Google TV ?

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Google TV ?

Postby rhr » 12 Nov 2011 20:38

Hi Guys,

I love VideoLan for Closed Caption, it is great...
I bought Sony Internet TV Blu-Ray with Google TV (NSZ-GT1)
and upgrade Google TV 2.0 (Honeycomb 3.1) now... it is cool!!!

but I am sad, it don't have Closed Caption, nope!

I am idea I am interest, wonderful VideoLan plan / project for GoogleTV 2.0 and videoLan with Closed Caption same like VideoLan PC... I am very happy

if No... i am sad and many people will be sad becuase closed caption is no longer but i had lot of DVD with Closed Caption but they don't hvae subtitle that I love Stargate SG-1 (no subtitle)

Any plans for the future?

Thank you

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Google TV ?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 14 Nov 2011 18:29

Not for the moment...
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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