Contrast difference - playing and screenshot

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Contrast difference - playing and screenshot

Postby dafeo » 25 Aug 2011 15:25

1st up - I don't believe the origin of this issue is VLC - but it is visible there so I thought I'd ask here.

Creating a timelase video from GoPro stills in Premiere Pro CS4 - the preview window looks fine, but when I export/render it - it looks washed out - lacking contrast.
This is obviously an issue with Premiere pro or possibly my PC.
Saving H264 MP4 and tried various permutaions even though it takes hours heach time. (8min video, slow PC)

All players including VLC show it as being lacking contrast/depth in the blacks.

Now the weird thing and why I'm asking here is - when I do a screenshot in VLC, using the inbuilt function - the output image is correct! Looks like the preview window in Premiere Pro.
Bit weird.

Either any suggestions on how to export correctly or maybe just an explanation of what's going on here Re difference between video and screenshot ?


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Re: Contrast difference - playing and screenshot

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Aug 2011 16:46

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