Maintaining Playlists

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Maintaining Playlists

Postby Guest » 16 Jun 2005 14:44

hi, is it possible for VLC to auto load a playlist like winamp does.. like a default playlist or something. I only ever really watch streams on it and they dont change. its just annoying having to load the playlist every time.

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Postby The DJ » 16 Jun 2005 22:38

Not yet, this is something we would like to implement in a future version though
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Postby mdi » 17 Jun 2005 02:07

you can´t load a playlist automatically with vlc, but you can load a single file/stream.

in windows os you have to start vlc by typing the following in start > run:

"... your path to vlc ...\vlc.exe" your file/your stream (with quotes!)


"c:\program files\vlc\vlc.exe" video.mpg

"c:\program files\vlc\vlc.exe" http://...

vlc media player will start and load the file/stream. you only have to click on "play". to make it a little more comfortable, you can create shortcuts with the same code as target. don´t forget to set vlc preferences to "allow only one instance" to have the full switching adventure... :lol:

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Postby zcot » 17 Jun 2005 07:41

the operator manual under:
-> Chapter 4. Advanced use of VLC
-> Use the command line ... l#id293199
you can´t load a playlist automatically with vlc, but you can load a single file/stream
but furthermore, you should have no trouble in loading a playlist file as well definately from version 0.8.2-test2 onward.

-even further, follow the above link and look for the heading "Playlist options"..

you can do this command line stuff from the Start -> Run window, or in the command line of the shortcut's properties, or even in a batch(*.bat) file for example.

As far as using "quoting in a commandline"... You HAVE TO use the quotes as containers for each element when it is needed, otherwise the commanline cannot be deciphered properly. So, if you have any path names and/or file names that include spaces, then they have to be used, but otherwise it shouldn't matter.

3 equivalent examples:
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe C:\VLC82\playlist.m3u
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe "C:\VLC82\playlist.m3u"
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe playlist.m3u

this one requires quotes:
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe "C:\My Music\etc\Big And Long Folder\playlist.m3u"

batch file examples with a .bat file in same directory as vlc:

vlc.exe playlist.m3u
(assuming that playlist and the vlc program and this bat file are in the same location)

(or even)
vlc playlist.m3u

C:\VLC82\vlc.exe "C:\My Music\etc\Big And Long Folder\playlist.m3u"

C:\VLC82\vlc.exe C:\VLC82\playlist.m3u
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe playlist.m3u

So what about using additional playlist options?

C:\VLC82\vlc.exe "C:\My Music\etc\Big And Long Folder\playlist.m3u"
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe --loop "C:\My Music\etc\Big And Long Folder\playlist.m3u" --random
C:\VLC82\vlc.exe "C:\My Music\etc\Big And Long Folder\playlist.m3u" --random --loop

I've tested alot of variations of this from vlc_0.8.2-test2 and it seems to work very well.


Postby Guest » 17 Jun 2005 10:54

i got a better way, just open playlist file. Works fine i jsut double click the playlist and bam perfect :) so simple !

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Postby dionoea » 17 Jun 2005 12:59

i got a better way, just open playlist file. Works fine i jsut double click the playlist and bam perfect :) so simple !
:lol: people always find complex solutions to simple problems :)
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby mdi » 17 Jun 2005 13:36

i got a better way, just open playlist file. Works fine i jsut double click the playlist and bam perfect :) so simple !
people always find complex solutions to simple problems
are you the same "guest" who asked the question? i don´t think so. the question was how to start vlc loading a playlist automatically (WITHOUT HAVING TO OPEN THE PLAYLIST FILE EVERYTIME). so i had an advice and posted it. what´s wrong with this?

doubleclick the *.m3u file doesn´t work, opening the playlist-file from command line doesn´t work (for me). the only way is to drop the *.m3u file into vlc media player, vlc playlist window. to do that, you still have to start vlc media player, open the folder with your *.m3u files in explorer: 2 steps.
i think, in this individual case it´s easier to have a shortcut to your file/stream on desktop/start menu: 1 step. sorry.

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Postby henrique » 17 Jun 2005 13:42

doubleclick the *.m3u file doesn´t work
You'll have to set VLC as the default program to run M3U type files, under Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options. Or just right click on a .m3u file, go to Properties and choose VLC as the default program to open them with.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby mdi » 17 Jun 2005 13:58

vlc IS my one and only default player ... :wink: ... but i found the problem: after reading zcots post i know how to handle those spaces and quotes... now it works with *.m3u-files, too. thanks at zcot.

Blank Cone
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Postby henrique » 17 Jun 2005 15:16

vlc IS my one and only default player ... :wink: ... but i found the problem: after reading zcots post i know how to handle those spaces and quotes... now it works with *.m3u-files, too. thanks at zcot.
spaces and quotes shouldn't be a problem when double clicking on the file. :?

Hey, but since it's working... :wink:


Postby Guest » 19 Jun 2005 13:33

i am indeed the same guest who asked the question, i never made an account because ive never had a problem with vlc to warrent it :)

my problem was that i didnt want to open vlc then open a playlist every time. I would prefer it to maintain a playlist, but just opening the playlist is just as easy so im happy. Thanks for ur help but people!

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