Multiple streaming in mpeg2 to multiple streaming in mpeg4

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New Cone
New Cone
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Multiple streaming in mpeg2 to multiple streaming in mpeg4

Postby kissas » 26 May 2011 23:24

I m playing with vlc at the lab, aadn i want if this its posible:

i have one multiple streaming in multicast with 2 channels in mpeg2
and take that streaming, reencode to mpeg4 and send on multiplestreaming with the 2 channels in mpeg4? or another codec.

If that its posible, can anyone share a commandline sample?

Best regards.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 26 May 2011 23:14

Re: Multiple streaming in mpeg2 to multiple streaming in mpe

Postby kissas » 27 May 2011 14:04

ok, reading and reading.
i see this: ... ing_server
its something like i want to try, they use a dvb card, i want to use a mpeg2 ts multicast streaming. thats its not a problem
vlc can be able to open one multicast ip address and select what program see.
but, i want to sout one ip address and only one port, whit all the programs, like when you open a TS file with many programs, that the vlc let
you select using the playback>>program>>"channel" menu.
if i use the option :sout-all, when open the streaming, vlc open one window for program.

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