1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

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1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

Postby cspchief » 25 May 2011 18:01

I need to stream just one wireless IP Camera on VLC Media player. Can anyone tell me simple steps to accomplish this?
I just need it to stream on a wireless network...don't need it to broadcast to internet.

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Re: 1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

Postby cspchief » 25 May 2011 18:47

Application: Wireless IP Camera within 50 ft of computer. Stream live feed from wireless camera to VLC via a wireless network and view the one camera on VLC.

That's it...that is all I need to do. Unless anyone knows of an easier answer (Software) to view one camera on a computer where you can drag the window as large as you need it without "Maximizing" the viewing window...i.e. I need to be able to run a program over the top of the video image.

The software that comes with IP Cameras only views single cameras in Maximized mode and when in a smaller mode you cannot drag the window larger...it is in a fixed dimension and that does not work for me.

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Re: 1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

Postby Greg » 25 May 2011 22:44

Should be able to view the camera by entering the camera IP in "Open Network Stream" in the "Media" menu

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Re: 1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

Postby cspchief » 26 May 2011 19:53

That does not work. Just putting in the IP address fails...I am thinking it needs the camera URL? How do find the URL of my IP Camera???

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: 1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

Postby Greg » 26 May 2011 20:29

If it's not in the camera's docu, then perhaps the contact vendor or manufacturer for url and any other info needed to access the stream?

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Re: 1 IP Camera Setup Streaming

Postby cspchief » 26 May 2011 21:27

Go to windows firewall and add the default port as an exception: In this case the default was 554
Use: rtsp:// [ip address of camera]:554
and it worked.

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