JPG snapshots are blocky - jpeg quality issue?

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JPG snapshots are blocky - jpeg quality issue?

Postby jumpfroggy » 15 Feb 2011 09:28

I'm trying to get screenshots (snapshots) of a video I have, but the saved snapshots are really blocky. The source is very clear & detailed, and the resolution is the same, but there are very clear 8x8 blocks in my image. There is some detail there, but it appears to be incredibly bad JPEG artifacting/blocking.

I can change the save type to PNG and that fixes the issue. However, PNG is much slower, and the file sizes are bigger. I'd rather save straight to JPG but with better quality.

Is there a way to change the JPEG quality param of snapshots in VLC? I didn't see one in the advanced preferences, but I may have missed something.


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Re: JPG snapshots are blocky - jpeg quality issue?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 15 Feb 2011 09:36

I believe the issue is in the code sending large pixmaps to the encoder.
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