Source of thumbails/logos for channels ?

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Source of thumbails/logos for channels ?

Postby MaTheRyS » 31 Jan 2011 05:52


I wondered where the thumbails/logos of channels are coming from ?
Is there a way to configure the source for these pictures ?

Because most of times they do not show correctly.
Manytimes there are only a few channels with thumbail/logo and the rest with the default logo of vlc. Like the two following images :
Image Image

I would be cool to be able to change it via the interface but while this is not possible, is there any tricks to do this anyway ?
These pictures are included into vlc or they come from a distant server ?

If they are coming from a distant server, is this possible to find the url of each ? In order to play with host and to point them another place...

Thanks by advance.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Source of thumbails/logos for channels ?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 31 Jan 2011 11:21

It comes from Google Image, most of the time.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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New Cone
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Re: Source of thumbails/logos for channels ?

Postby MaTheRyS » 31 Jan 2011 14:27

Ok, thanks for your answer :)

I was just trying to find it by my way by using Wireshark and i saw that most of french channels logos come from ,but sadly not all the channels are present on this web server.
The url of the logos are hard coded into vlc or vlc use a search engine or something like ?

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