Pasting links with spaces

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 01 Oct 2010 22:09

Pasting links with spaces

Postby asdfasdf » 01 Oct 2010 22:18

I don't know which update changed this, but for most previous versions, if I wanted to stream a file via the Network tab, I could paste the URL without any issues.

Now, I can still paste, but I cannot paste any links with spaces. I also cannot type any spaces. Was the downgrade intentional or was this a mistake? Since it did work in previous versions, I have some filenames that contain spaces, and I can access them no problem.
(I currently have to manually edit those old links and use the spaces they contain in order to stream anything from my friend's server. You can imagine how annoyed I am by that fact.)

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010 00:56

Re: Pasting links with spaces

Postby bakerdj » 02 Oct 2010 02:11

I have a similar problem that involves spaces.

Using "Advance Open/Network" for the following gives the noted results (Doesn't allow spaces to be keyed in):
mms:// gives me the following error:
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'mms://'. Check the log for details.

mms:// loads and plays correctly. (No spaces.)

Using "Open Location from clipboard" (Does allow spaces):
mms:// gives me the following error (as above):
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'mms://'. Check the log for details.

mms:// board.wmv plays correctly. (Note the space.)

In my case I'm using embedded links to open mms videos in the client's browser. All of my links are created automatically and %20 is inserted in place of spaces. VLC works very nicely across platforms, and in fact is way superior to FlipForMac, but the space issue makes it a non-starter. PCs are not an issue since Media Player works well with the %20.

The above links are real and I will leave them in place for a while in case anyone wants to try them and see the results.
I have been unable to locate the referred to "log".

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

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