Deconnection on HTTP stream.

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New Cone
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Deconnection on HTTP stream.

Postby kipioca » 29 Sep 2010 15:04

Hi there,
I'm writing because I'm desperated. It was one week I'm trying to make VLC read an HTTP stream. My problem is :
- I'd to launch VLC reading through a php script to generate a token. This token is valid 5 secondes. So, i generate my token and give it to feed to VLC. VLC launch my stream.... BUT, in a range of time (depending of ???) from 15 mins to 6 hours, VLC is being deconnected, so, it try to reconnect but the token isn't valid already and then, the reconnection failed... And I haven't any other choice to relaunch my script ... And this is a problem for me.
Here is the result :

- vlc `php mystreamgenerator.php`

alsa error: cannot write: Relais brisé (pipe)
xcb_xv debug: display is not visible
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (42604)
main warning: buffer is 43090 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 9357855 usec (drift: 148)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40421)
main warning: buffer is 40588 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 8986001 usec (drift: -1141)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (50393)
main warning: buffer is 51423 late, triggering upsampling
main debug: audio output is starving (26922), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (25711), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (24595), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (23433), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (22298), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (26192), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (21632), playing silence
.... x 5000
main warning: resampling stopped after 15605585 usec (drift: 1207)
main warning: late picture skipped (6644 > -7)
main warning: late picture skipped (126644 > -7)
main warning: late picture skipped (46644 > -7)
main warning: late picture skipped (166644 > -7)
main warning: late picture skipped (86644 > -7)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (219691)
main warning: audio drift is too big (218901), dropping buffer
main warning: audio drift is too big (195901), dropping buffer
main debug: audio output is starving (28159), playing silence
main warning: audio drift is too big (171901), dropping buffer
main warning: buffer is 102901 late, triggering upsampling
alsa debug: recovered from buffer underrun
main debug: audio output is starving (23092), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (21896), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (23412), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (22215), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (22537), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (21682), playing silence
main warning: resampling stopped after 16835349 usec (drift: 16767)
main error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1200 ms)
main debug: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
main warning: computed PTS is out of range (1930114), clearing out
main warning: PTS is out of range (1914010), dropping buffer
main warning: output PTS is out of range (1935114), clearing out
main warning: PTS is out of range (1891229), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (1867313), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (1844393), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (1821473), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (1798552), dropping buffer
main debug: audio output is starving (21318), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (22820), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (21611), playing silence
main warning: resampling stopped after 15347517 usec (drift: -387)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40497)
main warning: buffer is 40360 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 9078719 usec (drift: 23)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (44082)
main warning: the mixer got a packet in the past (29161)
main warning: the mixer got a packet in the past (5941)
main warning: buffer is 44640 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: mixer start isn't output start (-13456)
main debug: audio output is starving (199762), playing silence
alsa debug: recovered from buffer underrun
main debug: audio output is starving (23932), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (23338), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (21606), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (21956), playing silence
main debug: audio output is starving (22233), playing silence
main warning: resampling stopped after 9960893 usec (drift: 672)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40774)
main warning: buffer is 40574 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 8985670 usec (drift: -1127)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40017)
main warning: buffer is 41430 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 9125409 usec (drift: -78)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40160)
main warning: buffer is 40766 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 9172117 usec (drift: 553)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40483)
main warning: buffer is 40537 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 8940541 usec (drift: -1059)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40181)
main warning: buffer is 41508 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 9171656 usec (drift: -188)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40304)
main warning: buffer is 40360 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 9078330 usec (drift: 23)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (40063)
main warning: buffer is 40008 late, triggering upsampling
access_http debug: got disconnected, trying to reconnect
main debug: net: connecting to port 80
main debug: connection succeeded (socket = 12)
access_http debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 408
access_http error: error: HTTP/1.1 408 Request Time-out
access_http debug: reconnection failed
main debug: EOF reached
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1618 ms)
main debug: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called

Can someone help pleaaassse ???
Thanks in advance,

Sorry, no sig.

Sébastien Escudier
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Deconnection on HTTP stream.

Postby Sébastien Escudier » 29 Sep 2010 15:53

It means your socket has been closed, by the system (maybe you didn't receive any data for a LONG time) or by the server.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 29 Sep 2010 14:10

Re: Deconnection on HTTP stream.

Postby kipioca » 29 Sep 2010 15:57

Mmmmm, ok thanks for replying... I diagnose the same ... But the fact is the stream has an irregular bitrate... I know that the socket is closed .. But my question is: how can I do for this to not be closed ?

Sébastien Escudier
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Deconnection on HTTP stream.

Postby Sébastien Escudier » 29 Sep 2010 16:27

well, if the socket is closed by your system or by the server, we can't help you.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 29 Sep 2010 14:10

Re: Deconnection on HTTP stream.

Postby kipioca » 29 Sep 2010 16:31

OK, there is no solution dealing with VLC options ? I tried playing with buffer size .. But no change ...

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15326
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Re: Deconnection on HTTP stream.

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 01 Oct 2010 11:48

The connection is closed by the server (or due to a network error). VLC can't fix that
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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